After being cooped up in your home for months at a time it is only natural for you to yearn to get out and get back to “normal.” Although gathering with large groups of people may still not be recommended, getting outside is vital to our mental health. Simply going on a drive can lift someone’s spirits dramatically. Wherever you are going, here are some helpful hints that can make your trip as safe as possible.
1. Do I wear a mask in my car?
It is not necessary to wear a mask while in your own vehicle when you are alone. If you are in a situation where you have passengers, then a mask may be necessary. It is nearly impossible to maintain social distancing while being crammed into a car, so take necessary precautions if you or your passengers are high risk. If they are showing any signs of the virus, it is best to maintain distance.
2. Maintain your car
Because of the virus and distancing, there has been far less travel, whether it be a lack of a routine commute or not going to community gatherings. When this is the case it is even more vital to have your car looked at regularly. If your car is idle for too long, the battery can die and even deteriorate. Maintaining your vehicle is vital to its health.
3. Be alert and be wary of those that are not.
It is always important to never drive distracted. This keeps everyone safe, and you can keep a look out for those that might not be following the traffic laws. Defensive driving practices are essential for new and experienced drivers alike and can meet the difference between life and death. Don’t always assume everyone else is driving safely, pandemic or no pandemic.
4. When in doubt, sanitize.
In these unprecedented times it can not be overstated how important it is to disinfect and sanitize. A steering wheel holds four times the amount of bacteria as a toilet seat. A simple remedy to this could include keeping sanitizing wipes in your car. Whenever possible, take the time to wipe off all surfaces to ensure that your car is a place where people can travel safely.
For more tips and tricks concerning safe driving, take a few moments to browse the Bill’s Driving School blog. If you’re interested in brushing up on your defensive driving, learn more about our online courses here.